Target group of the project
"Youth unemployment and social integration " are young people under 25, with
priority given to young people in disadvantaged social and economic situation. The theme of the project encompasses the knowledge of the
level of unemployment among young people in EU and our country in particular.
are youth organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Hungary and
Bulgaria.The places in Bulgaria where the activities are about
to be held are Veliko Tarnovo and Pleven. The exchange duration
is 8 days. The number of
the active participants in the
project is 30. In some of the activities there will also be included young
people from an
orphanage. The aim
of the project is to attract participants-youth leaders and young
people from various non-governmental European organizations, which in the course of the project will get familiar with the
problems of youth unemployment and will discuss the opportunities
for its limitation.This aim will be attained by the means of individual
and group presentations; ice breaking games; work meetings
with local government representatives, вusiness,
students,volunteers ; round table discussions, cultural events; issuing of
magazine showing the development and main profits of the project ; making a Facebook page of the exchange
;analyzing of the exchange activites .
Working methods
for realization of these activities are: formal and non-formal
communication, interaction and exchange of knowledge and practices, non-formal
education,work in mixed groups ,combination of practical and theoretical
activities for upbringing of new
skills in the participants.
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