The unemployment rate in Romania
for this year (2011) is at 14,6%. It is lower than last years, but we have no
prognosis for next year because of a recent event: on 27th of September 2011
NOKIA, one of the biggest investors from Romania, closed their factories all
over our country. It means 2000 empty working places and, in addition, a lot of
partner firms (with all the youth workers that lose their jobs). It means,
moreover, about 1,8 BILLIONs of Euros per year aout of our economy.
The minimum salary in Romania is
670 RON (about 160 €).
The emigration to other European
countries with bigger salaries is really high, especially among young people.
Another factor of big unemployment
rate is that a lot of people work on the black market.
The current government speaks about a national project.
For example, extracting gold from “Rosia Montana” (Red Mountain). It is
expected that this project will create a lot of new jobs, partnerships an a huge
help economy. There are a lot of debates on the topic, because extracting gold
is very toxic and bed for environment.
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