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A Youth in Action Project

A Youth in Action Project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

sabato 22 ottobre 2011

Europe and Unemployment: CZECH REPUBLIC

Unemployment of Graduates in Czech Republic

Between 2008 and 2011 the unemployment rate grew from 6,21% to 17,75% (for apprentices) and from 3,6% to 6,98% (for master degree graduates). Which means that numbers started to grow in 2009 with the economic crisis. It also shows that the rate lowers with the higher education.

It is easier for employers not to give new jobs than to cancel existing positions. Also they obviously prefer experienced applicants.

Measurements taken by The Czech Ministry of Emplyment in 2010:

Measures taken by The Czech Ministry of Employment in 2010:
- Financially support for employers to create socially efficient graduate jobs (traineeships);
- to give priority to graduate people
- to prefer prevention (vocational guidance)

Problem to solve:

FLEXIBILITY: school education needs to focus more on developing skills than gaining a knowledge (more experiences for graduates).
MOBILITY: Housing policy needs to change - regulated rent (one of the communism relicts) causes that people rather buy the property than rent the flat – so they are not willing to move for job opportunities.

Our organization (ISC CTN in Prague):
Offers the possibility to (voluntarily) participate at various activities and develop practical skills (such as presentation skills, organizational skills, team working, etc…).

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