Youth Unemployment in Europe
The research and following facts were done
by participants of Youth in Action Exchange Back
to the Future of the following countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, Greece, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and France. The
unemployment of youth is becoming a major problem in Europe and the percentage
of youth unemployment is constantly growing.
Youth under 30 is currently 35% of European population.
The following graph shows the approximate percentage
of youth unemployment in selected European countries.
Summary of the research made by
participants follows.
Minimum salary 160 EUR
9000 young Bulgarians work
abroad to have a higher salary
Big requirements for a low paid
Lot of people work on a black
Czech Republic
- Government measures to defeat
unemployment: financial support to employers, higher attention to find job for
graduates, finances from EU Social Fund – projects to strengthen employment,
graduates get priority for requalification, job consulting
Minimum salary 1000 EUR (35
working hours a week)
People in productive age - 28
2.6 million (9%) unemployed
(registered in National Center for Unemployment) + 3 million unemployed (not
registered in NCU and working on a black market)
Job Contracts for youngsters –
Internships (15 days in a company with the chance of getting full-time job
afterwards), Apprenticeships (1 year - 1 week in school & 1 week working –
degree afterwards), Insertion Contract (Government support of companies and
NGOs to employ inexperienced youngsters)
40% of graduates are leaving
the country
Politicians don’t focus on
helping young people to deal with this situation
Lower quality of education,
trainings, job seeking
Economical situation affects
unemployment of young people
Minimum salary 580 EUR
How government deals with the
situation – courses, start card, unemployment aid, job search help
Minimum salary 290 EUR
Lot of university graduates go
abroad and do low-skilled jobs
Studies have no connection with
labor market and companies
Lot of graduates of law,
journalism and other humanities major – not enough blue collar workers
March 2010 unemployment rate
27.7% of 15-24 year old (source ISTAS)
March 2009 unemployment rate
24.8% of 15-24 year old (source ISTAS)
Inactivity rate 37.6% in Italy
(Europe 28.9%) (source Labor Force Survey Data, July 2008)
Second Language Knowledge –
Northwest Italy 62.9%, Northeast Italy 62.4%, South Italy 48.5%, Islands 51.4%
Minimum salary 230 EUR
Hard to find a job for women
after 30 (people with high education have no job)
Minimum salary 300 EUR
Results of unemployment:
emigration, suicide, theft, divorces, poverty
Main reasons for unemployment:
lack of qualified people in trades and crafts, labor market is not stable, lots
of young people have degree in arts – not enough engineering and science
graduates, demographic decrease
Government measures to decrease
unemployment: foreign investments, special economic zones, lot of youngsters
working abroad, support and trainings
Minimum salary 160 EUR
Many people who worked for
state lost their jobs because of the crisis
September 2011 Nokia factory
left country (2000 lost a job, 1.8 bn EUR in losses a year)
Lot of people work on black
New national project to create
jobs – extracting gold from Rosia Montana
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