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A Youth in Action Project

A Youth in Action Project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011

How to make a perfect CV #1

CV = Curriculum Vitae = resume

·         do not lie, but make it sound interesting!
·         make it short, transparent and structured!
·         you can use EuroPass (fill it in) or online job applications
·         different approach for different groups:
·         early school leaver & no experience – focus more on careers objective and abilities
·         early school leaver & work experience
·         school & no experience – focus more on skills and trainings
·         school & work experience
·         uni & no experience – focus on internships an other relevant experiences
·        uni & work experience

·         big letters
·         could include your title (sometimes counterproductive – could mean something else in different countries)

·         application for … (if not mentioned in the cover letter)
·         short description of yourself (qualification, what sort of job are you looking for)

Education, trainings
·         start with the highest relevant education
·         you do not have to write the basic education
·         currently pursuing...
·         if you have relevant job experiences, start with them
·         language courses
·         special trainings (computers...)
·         you can include certificates
·         you can use YouthPass


2007                      The Summer School on the topic of ...

Employments (+ experiences – might be a separate paragraph)
·         jobs
·         apprenticeships, traineeships, internships
·         do not forget volunteering
·         years (the length of the position)
·         position
·         employer
·         responsibilities
·         accomplishments
·         references (let know your referee you mentioned him in your CV)


2008                      AAA, Specchia; law firm
               Trainee, (7 months) – work in the office, preparing of presentations, participation on the ...                                                  
               Reference:Vincenzo Alessandromail@aaa.specchia.it

Experiences, qualifications and competences
·         could be mentioned within job experiences
·         should be mentioned in the cover letter

·         languages (plus their level – useful ti use EuroPass scale)
·         computers
·         driving licence
·         other special skills

·         in short

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