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A Youth in Action Project

A Youth in Action Project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

sabato 15 ottobre 2011

Work and babies # 2

"Are you planning to have a job? Then don’t plan to have children!"

”Maria has been unemployed for almost a year and is looking hard for a job. Ten days ago she went 
for an interview for her dream job - it was exactly what she was looking for! Everything went well and 
she was offered the position. The company asked her to have a meeting with Mr. Wladstock, the 

personnel officer in order to sign her contract. 

She had already discussed her duties and other job-related issues at the interview. Just as Maria was
about to sign the contract, Mr. Wladstock said that a condition of the job was that she signs a
declaration that she will not have a baby for the next two years.”

...How did it end?...


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